International roaming platform, free cinema and outdoor, which operates using renewable energy, now in Ecuador. This educational cultural and high-impact project will tour the country performing the important task of raising awareness in all regions, on the need to protect the environment, energy sustainability and film culture.
Conferencias y educación virtual
Creators of the virtual education platform "Sustainable Finances" for the German Confederation of Cooperatives DGRV, implemented at the regional level in LATAM. Also, creators of the workshop “Documentary language and its narrative possibilities”, taught through an online educational platform for the Intercultural University of the State of Mexico UIEM.
Additionally, we have given lecturers on community cinema, Edu communication and related topics in the Autonomous University of Madrid - Spain, Intercultural University of the State of Mexico, Juniata College - USA, Penn State University - USA, UMASS - USA, College of the Holly Cross - USA, University of Azuay - Ecuador, San Francisco de Quito University - Ecuador.