Film creation laboratory

Experiential and transformative processes based on teamwork, an experience aimed at fostering intercultural and transgenerational dialogue.
Seeking to bring cinema closer to people and people closer to cinema, we produce impactful campaigns on the ground, connecting various communities with socially and environmentally relevant content.

Since 2010, we have been exploring themes of identity, migration, and conservation in search of local solutions for global issues. An encounter where we can move from awareness to action.
Training, alternative film production, and distribution that explore memory and engage with local audiences to subsequently expand the message at a national and international level.

Four documentary short films made by young narrators, who immerse themselves in the environmental problems of their communities

Four documentary short films made by young narrators, who immerse themselves in the environmental problems of their communities

24 young people from different cantons of the province of Azuay, lived an artistic residency of 6 months

45 young people from Santa Elena on the Ecuadorian coast participated in four experiential film and acting workshops.